July 16, 2018

The Immortality of C# Static Fields

Disclaimer: I imported this post from WordPress to Jekyll on 9/2/23. Forgive the misformatting until I get a chance to clean it up.

Twice in the last two weeks, my team has grappled with using static fields. The first was somewhat inadvertently introduced by yours truly and wreaked a bit of havoc in our latest release. The latter was debating whether or not to make use of one to perform in-memory caching of data. In both cases, and arguably in nearly all possible cases, using static (non-constant) fields is probably a poor choice. I clarify non-constant since const is also inherently static, but it is generally safer to use since it is compile-time constant and therefore burned into the build artifacts rather than set in-memory.

Case 1: Reducing Duplication

As a part of a bug fix in our last release, I moved some business logic from the view layer back into a new service class. The class new-ed up five different repositories, each using the same DataContext instance. (Five repositories are probably too many for one class, and I could have modularized the service more. However, refactoring is iterative.) The service class had two different constructors, so rather than new-ing the context and each repository in both constructors, I tried instantiating them at declaration.

Mainly, I wanted to replace this:

public class MyServiceClass
    private readonly DataContext _context;
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo1> _myRepo1;
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo2> _myRepo2;
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo3> _myRepo3;
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo4> _myRepo4;
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo5> _myRepo5;
    private readonly MyParamClass _myParamClass;

    public MyServiceClass()
        _context = new DataContext();
        _myRepo1 = new Lazy<MyRepo1>(() => new MyRepo1(_context));
        _myRepo2 = new Lazy<MyRepo2>(() => new MyRepo2(_context));
        _myRepo3 = new Lazy<MyRepo3>(() => new MyRepo3(_context));
        _myRepo4 = new Lazy<MyRepo4>(() => new MyRepo4(_context));
        _myRepo5 = new Lazy<MyRepo5>(() => new MyRepo5(_context));

    public MyServiceClass(MyParamClass myParamClass)
        _myParamClass = myParamClass;
        _context = new DataContext();
        _myRepo1 = new Lazy<MyRepo1>(() => new MyRepo1(_context));
        _myRepo2 = new Lazy<MyRepo2>(() => new MyRepo2(_context));
        _myRepo3 = new Lazy<MyRepo3>(() => new MyRepo3(_context));
        _myRepo4 = new Lazy<MyRepo4>(() => new MyRepo4(_context));
        _myRepo5 = new Lazy<MyRepo5>(() => new MyRepo5(_context));

With this:

public class MyServiceClass
    private readonly DataContext _context = new DataContext();
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo1> _myRepo1 = new Lazy<MyRepo1>(() => new MyRepo1(_context));
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo2> _myRepo2 = new Lazy<MyRepo2>(() => new MyRepo2(_context));
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo3> _myRepo3 = new Lazy<MyRepo3>(() => new MyRepo3(_context));
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo4> _myRepo4 = new Lazy<MyRepo4>(() => new MyRepo4(_context));
    private readonly Lazy<MyRepo5> _myRepo5 = new Lazy<MyRepo5>(() => new MyRepo5(_context));
    private readonly MyParamClass _myParamClass;

    public MyServiceClass()

    public MyServiceClass(MyParamClass myParamClass)
        _myParamClass = myParamClass;

Initializing the repositories at declaration, however, throws a compiler error on the context parameter.

Cannot access non-static field “context” in static context.

I was moving a little bit too quickly, and this seemed like a simple fix. Just stuff a static keyword on the DataContext declaration, watch the red squiggles fade away, and call it done.

public class MyServiceClass
    private static readonly DataContext context = new DataContext();

The symptom that single static keyword caused cost our team a week or more of person-hours to resolve. Since our application runs in a multi-tenant environment, the first client who instantiated the service class loaded their DataContext into the static field. When the next request came in from a user of another tenant, a new instance of the service class was created, but the static value of context persisted.

Without knowing the cause, you can understand how the issue seemed not only intermittent but irreproducible on our development machines because we were not developing in a multi-tenant environment. Who cares if the DataContext is static if the environment ever only needs a single value of DataContext?

Thankfully, the service class threw all kinds of errors on a repository retrieval before it tried to do any writing back to the database, or the issue could have been much more costly.

Update 7.18.18: DEV Community member Asti pointed out that I could have also changed my second constructor to something like below to reduce the duplication:

public MyServiceClass(MyParamClass myParamClass) : this()
    _myParamClass = myParamClass;

Case 2: Cross-Request Caching

Our app uses Telerik Reporting for producing all kinds of reports for our users. The architecture of this framework is such that the report viewer loads client-side and then makes calls back to the server for each report it needs to display.

A colleague was performing an upgrade on a set of three reports that are displayed in the same viewer instance. A subset of the data is shared across the three reports, so he proposed caching the data in-memory using a static field so that the request for each of the following reports would not need to retrieve the data from the database again.

Learning what we did very recently in “Case 1”, we had to shoot this down quickly for multiple reasons.

Consequences of Using Static Fields


Using non-constant, static fields should be pretty much the last choice, and the consequences of using them should be fully understood.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.